About the PTO
Lindsey Wilkinson, Co-President
Amanda Peterson, Co-President
Sarah Renneke, Secretary
Erin Lyons, Treasurer
Activities & Volunteer opportunities
Our annual events and activities help advance our fundraising and community-building mission. Each of these events present opportunities for volunteering. To get notified of volunteer opportunities as they arise, fill out our Volunteer Survey! (Don't worry, this isn't a commitment, and no experience is required!) Volunteers sign up via sign-up genius.
Family Picnic Night - September 12th
Bring your picnic meal, a blanket and your family and meet us on the grass by the playground before or after the open house. If you feel like a lighter snack or want to skip on the packed meal, we will have several food truck vendors available!
Color Run - Fall Fundraiser - September 27th
This year Pinewood will be hosting a Color Run. This is our big school fundraiser which allows the PTO to host all our fun events and to provide monetary donations back to our school to help support our children and teachers. There are several volunteer positions for this fun event.
Outdoor Family Movie Night- October 3rd
Pinewood's First Ever! Family Outdoor Movie Night will be this October. Bring your family, blankets and come gather with us under the stars as we watch a movie.
Trunk or Treat - October 25th
Come get spooky with your favorite Pinewood families for a Trunk or Treat event in the Pinewood parking lot.
Spirit Wear
PTO sells Pinewood-branded spirit wear just in time for holiday gift giving. Stay tuned for this year's great styles!
Book Fair - November 6th/7th
Book fairs are held each year in November and February coinciding with conferences, and in May coinciding with the Spring Carnival. Volunteer opportunities include cashiering and setup/takedown.
Chairpeople: Kelly Ehrmann & Michelle Showalter
Staff Appreciation Dinners
Pinewood parents provide dinner for teachers and staff during conferences in November and February. Volunteer opportunities include making/purchasing food, setup and cleanup.
Take Out Tuesday with Mason Jar
Call in your orders by phone (ONLY!), mention Pinewood Community and place your take out food order. Mason jar will donate a portion of the proceeds back to Pinewood!
Glow Dance - January 24th
Get ready with your neon, glow in black light attire and come join us as we dance the night away at Pinewood Community.
Book Fair - February 5th/6th
Book fairs are held each year in November and February coinciding with conferences, and in May coinciding with the Spring Carnival. Volunteer opportunities include cashiering and setup/takedown.
Chairpeople: Kelly Ehrmann & Michelle Showalter
Staff Appreciation Dinners
Pinewood parents provide dinner for teachers and staff during conferences in November and February. Volunteer opportunities include making/purchasing food, setup and cleanup.
Gertens Plant Sale Cards
Get ready for your spring planting with your Gertens Plant Cards. Purchases will open in March and will be ready by mid April. These are also a great gift for loved ones around Mother's Day! Gertens will donate a portion of the proceeds back to Pinewood!
Take Out Tuesday with Mason Jar - April 15th
Call in your orders by phone (ONLY!), mention Pinewood Community and place your take out food order. Mason jar will donate a portion of the proceeds back to Pinewood!
Year-end Carnival- May 30th
Mark your Calendars! This Annual PTO Carnival is a highlight, full of games, prizes, face painting and bouncy houses. We will need many volunteers to make this event happen!