Support the Pinewood Pride!
Glow Dance
Join us Friday, January 24th 6:30pm - 8:00pm
This is not a drop off event, an adult must accompany every student.
Bring cash for concessions and party favors.
Dress in your best neon / black light clothing.
Please register your Pinewood family below.
Volunteers needed! These events would not be possible without the help of our Pinewood community! Thank you all!
Pinewood Spirit Wear
Every year Pinewood PTO hosts Pinewood Spirit Wear sales. A small portion of the proceeds go to the PTO to help fund the PTO events and support we give to the school throughout the school year.
The Spirit Wear order Have Been Delivered! If you have not received your order, please reach out or check the office for pickup.
we Are Looking For Committee Volunteers
Updated: second half of the year events are now listed
These Events would not be possible without our wonderful parent and teacher volunteers! Please consider signing up to be a part of them!
GIVE to the Max
November Through December
Pinewood Community PTO is hosting a fundraising event this giving season. Please consider donating today!
All money raised will be used for Curriculum Enrichment, Student & Community Events, Classroom Activities & Supplies, Teacher & Building Needs, Field Trip Transportation, Playground maintenance, Technology upgrades, Reading programs, Teacher/Staff Appreciation throughout the school year and so much more!
We strive to enrich and support our children's experiences and those for future students to all have an amazing experience at Pinewood!
We Would Love Your Input
This year the Pinewood PTO is looking to our community for input and feedback on how you would like to see the PTO support our students, teachers and school.
We appreciate all of your support and donations throughout the school year and now we would love to hear from you!